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来自 : bid.cncecyc.com/cms/channel/yw 发布时间:2021-03-24


China National Chemical Engineering Construction Corporation Seven,LTD


Russia GCC EPC Project



Invitation to Tender for Prefabricated Modular Building


Invitation to Tender No.:


2020 年 9 月


Global Leader in Chemical Construction


第一部分 招标总则

Section I. General Provisions

第二部分 招标文件须知

Section II. Instructions on ITT

第三部分 投标文件须知

Section III. Instructions on Tender Document

第四部分 技术协议

Section IV Technical Protocol

第五部分 评标标准和方法

Section V Criteria and Methods of Tender Document Evaluation

第六部分 订单

Section V. Purchase Order

第七部分 附件

Section VI. Attachments

第一部分 招标总则

Section I. General Provisions


China National Chemical Engineering Construction Corporation Seven,Ltd. Russia Baltic Gas Chemical Complex Project (GCC) (bidding No.:GCC-CC7-PR-00000-SS-BQT-20200929), the main material for the project is ready for bidding work (refer to attached table 1). The tenderee is China National Chemical Engineering Construction Corporation Seven,Ltd..







2. Basis for Bidding

2.1 Law of the People’s Republic of China on Tendering and Bidding (Order of the President, No.86 of the 12th NPC Standing Committee)

2.2 2.2 Bidding Method for Goods in Engineering Construction Project (China National Development and Reform Commission and other 9 Commissions, No.23 of 2013)

2.3 2.3 Provisional Regulation on Bidding Evaluation Committee and Bidding Evaluation Method(China National Development and Reform Commission and other 9 Commissions, No.23 of 2013)

2.4 2.4 Regulation on the Implementation of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Tendering and Bidding (the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, 2018, No.698)

2.5 2.5 Other related laws, rules and regulations)


3. Project Overview




The Gas Chemical Complex is the world’s largest Ethylene and Polyethylene integration project. The GCC is included into the Ethane-rich Gas Processing and LNG Production Complex, located in the Leningrad region (the area of Ust-Luga). CUSTOMER: LTD ?Baltic Chemical Complex?

The contract price is about 12 bln Euro (13.25 bln US dollars), which is the largest value of one particular contract in the world petrochemical industry in the base polymer field, with an execution period of 60 months (5 years).

4. 投标人资格要求

4.1 云采网注册供应商

4.2 报名后提供相关公司资质并通过我公司审核

4. Qualification Requirements of Bidders

4.1 Registered on Yuncaiwang (Website)

4.2 Provide related company qualification document, reviewed and approved by CC-7 after registration.



5. Acquisition of Tender Documents

Use of CA: Yes

5.1 本次招标文件仅在中国化学电子招标投标交易平台( http://bid.cncecyc.com)上以电子版方式发布。

5.1 The tender documents are only published on CNCEC Digital Tendering and Bidding Transaction Platform (http://bid.cncecyc.com) as digital version.


6. Tender bond


One hundred and fifty thousand CNY


7.Performance Guarantee

合同签订后 7-10 个工作日内,卖方应向买方提供金额为合同总价的 10 %的履约保函,保函期限自保函开立之日起至合同项下全部义务履行完毕,办理履约保函所发生的费用由卖方承担。

Within 7-10 working days after the signing of the contract, the bidder shall provide the tenderee with a performance guarantee of 10% of the total contract price. The period of the performance guarantee shall be from the date of issuance of the guarantee to the completion of all obligations under the contract. The bidder shall bear the expenses incurred in handling the performance guarantee.


8. Payment Term



1. 20% advance payment (Advance payment bond is required), finished production and loading will be performed by vendor. Up to 60% will be paid unpon inspection and acceptance by CC7. Up to 80% will be paid when delivery to overseas site, and up to 95% will be paid after completion of installation, the rest 5% will be held as two years warranty money.

2. 100% acceptance (Half year)


Ⅱ. Instruction to Tender Documents

1. 招标物资



1.3 交货时间:全部交付结束不迟于订单签订有效供货周期。

1.4 交货地点: 厂提 。(供应商负责包装和装箱)

1.5 交货方式:

1. Required Material

1.1 Required material: Prefabricated Modular Building

1.2 Technical specifications and quantity: Refer to Technical Protocol (Attachment 1) for details.

1.3 Delivery Time: All material shall be delivered to Tenderee not later than the specified time in the Purchase Order.

1.4 Delivery Address:

1.5 Delivery Method:

2. 标书送达方式:线上投标,线上开标。

2. Dispatching of Tender Document

3. 标书接收地点:中国化学电子招标投标交易平台

3. Tender Receiving Address: CNCEC Digital Tendering and Bidding Transaction Platform

4. 投标截止时间: 2020 年 10 月 16 日,逾期收到或不符合本文件规定的投标文件恕不接受。

4. Deadline: Till 16th . Oct . 2020 . Tender Document received later than this time or not in compliance with requirements of Invitation to Tender will not be accepted.

5. 答疑时间:凡对本次招标有任何疑问,请在 2020 年 10 月 15 日前与第6条中的联系人联系。

5. Period for quires: In case of any queries relating to tender, please contact the Tenderee before 15.10.2020 by referring to the contacts as specified in item 6.

6. 投标联系人

6. Contact Persons


联 系 人:


Tel: 028-68931161 或,


Tel: +86 13550067686


General queries on tender

Contact Person:

Wan Xiaohong

Tel: + 028-68931161

Or, Zhou Wei

Tel: +86 13550067686

第二部分 招标文件须知

Section II. Instructions on ITT

1. 招标文件的构成

1. Composition of ITT

1.1 招标文件用以阐明所需物资及服务、招标投标程序和合同条款。招标文件由下述部分组成:

a. 招标总则

b. 招标文件须知

c. 投标文件须知

d. 技术协议(含技术规范及材料清单)

e. 订单(含采购条款和条件)

f. 附件

1.1 Invitation to Tender is used for elaborating required material and services, tender procedures, terms and conditions of contract and contains the following:

a. General Provisions

b. Instructions on ITT

c. Instructions on Tender Document

d. Technical Protocol (including technical specification and material requisition)

e. Purchase Order (including Terms and Conditions of Purchase)

f. Attachments


1.2 Unless otherwise specified, Invitation to Tender will not state natural environment, climate conditions, conditions of public utility and other conditions of the place where the material will be used. Tenderer will be considered as has been familiar with all these conditions relevant to fulfillment of the Purchase Order.

2. 招标文件的澄清

2. Clarification of ITT


In case any clarification for ITT is requested, Tenderer shall, as mentioned in Section I item 6, contact Tenderee via email and reminds by telephone. Tenderee will reply to the clarification requests received 5 days before the deadline of tender via email.

3. 招标文件的修改

3. Modification of ITT


3.1 Tenderee may, before deadline of tender, modify ITT for any reason, but by principle Tenderee shall inform all Tenderers via email at least 5 days before the deadline.


3.2 Tenderer shall reply to Tenderee upon receipt of the modification notice for confirmation. Modification document is an integral part of this ITT. Tenderer shall be regarded as has taken the modification into account when preparing his Tender Document.


3.3 When carrying out modifications, Tenderee shall consider to give Tenderers sufficient time to prepare their Tender Document. Tenderee may extend valid period of tender according to the circumstances and notify Tenderers via email.

4. 保密

4. Confidentiality


Tenderer shall sign a Confidentiality Agreement, which shall be referred to Attachment 2.

第三部分 投标文件须知

Section III. Instructions on Tender Document

1. 投标文件的构成

1. Composition of Tender Document









电子版(Word Or Excel)一份;硬拷贝需根据招标人后续要求进行提交(若必要)。


Number of Copies

One electronic copy (Word or Excel);

Hard copy shall be provided as per Tenderee’s demand (if required).





Signing of Tender Document

Tenderer shall sign upon a signature is required.





Pre-qualification Document

Shall be provided and reviewed at the tenderer prequalification phase before the ITT release.









7) 产品需申请俄标GOST认证及防火认证。



Technical Part

1) Technical proposal and clarification;

2) Deviation List of Technical Specification (Attachment 3);

3) Technical Compliance, including necessary explanatory note and information;

4) Documentary evidence that proves the material for tender is in compliance with requirements of the ITT and other information that Tenderer considers as necessary;

5)Complete Drawing;

6)Other documents required by the tenderee.

7)Products shall apply for Russian standard GOST certification and fire certification

Note: This part shall not contain any information about tender price or other commercial information.



1) 商务条款偏离表(见附件四);

2) 投标人认为需加以说明的其它商务内容。



Commercial Part

1) Deviation List of Commercial Clauses (Attachment 4);

2) Clarification on other commercial information that Tenderer considers as necessary.

3)Commercial offer.

2. 投标文件格式(要求)

2. Forms of Tender Document


2.1 Tenderer shall submit commercial offer in accordance with Material Requisition, and a table of contents shall be developed and consecutive page numbers shall be set (attach additional pages if necessary).

2.2 对于招标文件中的技术及商务要求,投标人要逐条响应,说明“满足”或是“偏差”。投标人也可以用文字加以说明。

2.2 Tenderer shall conform with all technical and commercial requirements in this ITT by mentioning “satisfied” or “deviated”. Or Tenderer may add explanatory notes.

3. 投标报价

3. Tender Price

3.1 根据招标文件规定的供货范围,投标人应按材料清单报出分项价格和总价格。招标人不接受存在选择的报价(招标文件中明确要求报备选方案的除外)

3.1 In accordance with the supplying scope specified in this ITT, Tenderer shall list prices of separate items and the total price in accordance with Material Requisition. Unless otherwise specified in this ITT, Tenderee will not accept optional prices.

3.2 投标报价表填写时应注意:

3.2 Be aware of the following when filling in Material Requisition:


3.2.1 Tender price shall include costs of spare parts, easily damaged parts and special tools required by the Technical Protocol (if any).


3.2.2 Tender price shall include costs of installation, commissioning, training and other incidental service required by the Technical Protocol (if any).

3.3 投标人按上述要求进行报价,但不限制招标人以其它方式签订订单的权力。

3.3 Tenderer shall make offers according to the above-mentioned requirements but it shall not restrict Tenderee’s right to sign the Purchase Order in other manners.

3.4 投标人必须就全部招标物资投标,招标人不接受只对其中一项或几项物资投标。

3.4 Tenderer shall tender for all required materials. Tender for partial material will not be accepted by Tenderee.

4. 技术响应

4. Technical Compliance

4.1 投标人须提交证明其拟供物资符合招标文件规定的技术响应文件,作为投标文件的一部分。

4.1 Tenderer shall provide Technical Compliance of materials to be supplied in accordance with the requirements specified in this ITT as part of Tender Document.

4.2 技术响应文件包括必要的文字说明、资料并须提供以下资料:





4.2 Technical Compliance shall contain necessary explanatory notes, document and the following:

4.2.1 Information relating to origin of the material and material certificate, such as original copies of purchase order, invoices, Mill Test Certificate (if any),material brand;

4.2.2 Information about production and quality assurance measures;

4.2.3 Schedule of fabrication that can guarantee delivery of materials on time;

4.2.4 Technical service program.

5. 投标费用

5. Tender Costs Expenses

任何情况下(包括招标人不受限制的取消招标邀请),对于投标人因以下工作而产生的费用,招标人不负有任何责任:(i) 标书的准备,递交或介绍;(ii) 标书的解释或澄清;或 (iii) 投标人与招标人之间的通讯。

Under no circumstances whatsoever (including without limitation the cancellation of this Invitation to Tender by the Tenderee) shall the Tenderee be responsible for or liable to any Tenderer for any cost or expense incurred or arising from (i) the preparation, submission or presentation of a tender; (ii) the explanation or clarification of a tender; or (iii) any communication between a Tenderer and the Tenderee.

6. 投标有效期

6. Validity of Tender

6.1 投标有效期自招标人收到投标文件之日起,六个月;

6.1 Validity period of tender shall be 6 months from the date of receipt of Tender Document by Tenderee;


6.2 In case of any special circumstances occur before the end of validity period of tender, Tenderee may, in writing, request Tenderer to extend the validity period.

7. 投标货币

7. Currency


Unless otherwise specified in this ITT, currency used shall be CNY.

8. 投标语言

8. Tender Language


Tender Document and documents exchanged between Tenderee and Tenderers shall be prepared in Chinese.


9.Submission of Tender Document

11.1 技术标书须于2020年10 月 16日之前提供;


11.2 商务标书须于2020年 10 月 19 日之前提供。

11.1 Technical Proposal shall be submitted before 15th . Oct .2020;

11.2 Commercial Proposal shall be submitted before 19th . Oct .2020.

第四部分 技术协议

Section IV Technical Protocol


Technical Requirements: shall comply with Technical Protocol (including technical specification and material requisition). Refer to Attachment 1.

第五部分 评标标准和方法

Section V Criteria and Methods of Tender Document Evaluation

1 评标方法:

1 Methods of Evaluation

1.1 本次采用综合评估法,低价优先。

1.2 说明:

1.2.1 本次评标采用综合评估法(满足资格预审及快装预制建筑材料询价单要求的情况下、低价优先)。评标委员会对满足招标文件实质性要求的资格预审文件、投标文件,将从资格预审文件、技术方案、商务报价、工期、质量、投标人的经历及业绩等方面进行综合计分,评分采用百分制,分项得分保留两位小数,并按得分由高到低顺序推荐中标候选人,或根据招标人授权直接确定中标人。综合评分相等时,以投标报价低的优先;投标报价也相等的,由招标人自行确定。

1.2.2 评标委员会审查每一个投标文件,根据初步评审标准对投标文件进行初步评审,有一项不符合评审标准的,作废标处理。

1.2.3 评标委员会可以要求投标人提供评审标准规定的有关证明和证件的原件,以便核验。投标人不能说明理由又拒不提供的有关证明和证件的原件的,经评标委员会认定该项评审因素不符合评审标准的作废标处理。招标人需要投标人提供原件以备核验的,应在评审标准备注栏中明示。

1.1 The comprehensive evaluation method is adopted with lower prices preferred.

1.2 Instructions:

1.2.1 The comprehensive evaluation method is adopted for the tender document evaluation (with lower prices preferred provided that the requirements of the prequalification and the material requisitions of the prefabricated modular building are fulfilled). The Tender Evaluation Committee will comprehensively rate the prequalification documents and the tender documents which fulfill the substantial requirements of ITT in respect of the prequalification documents, technical solutions, commercial offers, construction periods, quality, experiences and performance of the tenderer, etc., and the hundred-mark system will be adopted for the rating, and the mark of each item will keep two decimals. Finally, the winning candidates will be recommended in the sequence from high to low marks or directly selected as per the authorization of the tenderee. In cases when the comprehensive ratings are equal, the lower tender offers will take precedence, and in cases when the tender offers are equal, the candidates will be determined by the tenderee on his own.

1.2.2 The Tender Evaluation Committee may require from the tenderers the provision of the originals of the relevant certificates and documents specified in the evaluation criteria for verification. If any tenderer fails to clarify the reasons and refuses to provide the originals of the certificates and documents, the tender will be rejected by the Tender Evaluation Committee on basis that this evaluation factor does not meet the evaluation criteria. In cases when the tenderee requires the originals from the tenderer for verification, clear signs must be presented in the remarks column of the evaluation criteria.

2 评标标准:

2 Criteria for Evaluation




2.2.1 投标文件情况:按照招标文件的编制要求审查。 2.1.2 投标人资信及外购情况:认证情况、第三方独立评估机构出具的资信等级情况、各种试验报告、制造能力、外购件、外购材料及相应的备品备件情况。

2.1.3 技术响应情况:对投标物资的技术、运输、技术支持、技术服务以及存在偏差的情况描述。

2.2 商务部分评标标准:

2.2.1 投标人资质情况:营业执照、银行开户证明等。

2.2.2 近年来财务报表:近年来经营情况及财务状况。 2.2.3 报价:报价合理性、报价得分。

2.2.4 业绩、质量、工期、服务情况:业绩情况、对本次招标物资的服务承诺、质保措施以及对合同条款的承诺情况。

2.1 Criteria for qualification document

Qualifications of the tenderer: business license, certificate, financial conditions and performance.

2.2 Criteria for the evaluation of the technical part of the tender:

2.2.1 For the tender documents: to be evaluated as per requirements for the ITT development.

2.2.2 For the credibility and outsourcing of the tenderer: certification, the credibility ratings by the independent third-party rating agencies, various test reports, and information on the manufacturing ability, outsourcing parts, outsourcing materials and the corresponding spare parts.

2.2.3 Technical response: descriptions to the technics, transport, technical support, technical service and the deviations (if any) of the tender materials.

2.3 Criteria for the evaluation of the commercial part of the tender:

2.3.1 Qualifications of the tenderer: business license, and account opening certificate, etc.

2.3.2 Financial statement in recent years: state of operation and financial conditions in recent years.

2.3.3 Offer: reasonability and ratings of the offer.

2.3.4 Performance, quality, construction period, and service: performance, service commitment on the tender materials, quality assurance measures and the commitment on the contract clauses.

第六部分 订单

Section V. Purchase Order

见附件五 订单(包括采购条款和条件)

Refer to Attachment 5 Purchase Order (including Terms and Conditions of Purchase)

第七部分 附件

Section VI. Attachments

附件一 技术协议

附件二 保密协议

附件三 技术规格偏离表

附件四 商务条款偏离表

附件五 订单(包括采购条款和条件)

Attachment 1 Technical Protocol

Attachment 2 Confidentiality Agreement

Attachment 3 Deviation List of Technical Specification

Attachment 4 Deviation List of Commercial Clauses

Attachment 5 Purchase Order (including Terms and Conditions of Purchase)

本文链接: http://cmschemicals.immuno-online.com/view-717963.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)